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Damian Walsh

June 2020 Newsletter

Dear Members and Friends,

I was delighted to hear from so many of you looking forward to the very special Australian Chamber Orchestra performance this Friday evening, we're including the details in this newsletter again for those who may have missed the initial invitation. Several of you also wrote to tell me how much you had enjoyed the wonderful BBC series on Australian film so a reminder that you can still find that series on the BBC iPlayer here.

In this newsletter I'm also pleased to highlight an innovative virtual exhibition of works by the brilliant Australian artist Anthony White, hosted by our friends at the Sidney Nolan Trust.

Finally, I'm including a fascinating article by the ANU academic Dr Blair Williams looking at the similarities and differences in the way the media covered the British Prime Ministers Thatcher and May, with a surprising conclusion!

Whilst I am sad that June will not bring with it our traditional Summer events including the Stoke Lodge Garden Party and Wimbledon, I continue to be amazed by the ingenuity and positivity of our community and hope to be able to see you all again in person soon.

Best wishes,

Damian J. Walsh


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